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Google クチコミ

3.8 クチコミ クチコミ クチコミ (365 件のクチコミ) すべての Google のクチコミを見る

When thinking of driving license I googled; was initially little bit worried seeing the ratings of this school but finally I got admitted and Passed my Exam successfully in October 31,2022! Teachers are so warm hearted as long as office staffs! Initially seems that teachers are strict but when I started making progress in driving all seems warm hearted. Finally I understood that this strictness is for learning and making mistakes for once. Here we enjoyed the scenic beauty, making friends, fresh air and some cute kittens. Every single hour shuttle bus service to go to station and free bicycle service! Management are awesome, I would remember them for long time ; everyone greets each other in the school. I really miss my time in this place!
卒業おめでとうございいます。見た目厳しそうに見える指導員でしたか(笑)。申し訳ございません。指導員の評価も高く評価して頂きありがとうございます。良い思い出や、良い仲間ができたようで良かったです。指導員にもこの事を伝え、今よりも良い指導、良い対応が出来るようにしていきます。  また機会があれば、次の車種へステップアップすることがあればお手伝いさせて頂けると嬉しいです。  この時期ですので体に気をつけてください。
Masaki Quiogue
The teacher are strict at first but that helped me pass my Driving test for both Karimen and Honshiken the bento is not that bad and there are so many cute cats!
Che08 B
It was a roller coaster of experience for me. Being a student and studying again was kinda hard for my age but I passed after failing a lot of times. Now, I am driving with license and very much thankful for all the teachers and staff. I truly understand why teachers are strict at Kazusa! We need what it takes to learn everything to drive in the real world They deserve 5stars rating!!! By the way, I gained amazing friends and we still meet now. Kazusa Student 6/1/2022
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★5つありがとうございます。 写真も見させて頂きました。楽しそうですね。 今度機会があったら遊びに来て下さい。